RFP No. 0104-2025 HOUSING MALE
The District Court for the District of Puerto Rico and its US Probation Office is soliciting proposals to provide transitional and emergency housing services Islandwide in Puerto Rico for MALE federal defendants/persons under supervision who need transitional and/or emergency housing. These individuals include persons on probation, supervised release, or parole, who are under supervision of the United States Probation Office, as well as persons on Pretrial status under the supervision of United States Pretrial Services:
1. This is a solicitation for proposal to enter in a Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) for Second Chance Act Emergency/transitional housing services for defendants/offenders under the supervision of the US Probation Office-District of Puerto Rico.
2. The Court intends to award BPA(s) to one or more offerors found to meet the court’s qualification requirements detailed in the attached statement of work but reserves the right to award to a single vendor. The Court reserves the right not to make any awards as a result of this solicitation.
3. The term for this Blanket Purchase Agreement will be twelve (12) months, with a start date of October 1, 2024 and a provision that shall allow the Government to unilaterally extend the agreement for an additional FOUR (4) years, at four (4) twelve (12) month intervals each, at the Government’s discretion and contingent to availability of funds.
4. The award of a BPA does not guarantee that the offeror will receive orders for any aggregate dollar value, or any orders at all, for Second Chance Act EMERGENCY / TRANSITIONAL HOUSING SERVICES (MALE). The estimated monthly quantity listed in Section B of the RFP is the estimate of the services to be provided during the terms of this agreement. It is only an estimate.
5. Enclosed is a Request for Proposal (RFP). The RFP contains the full text of all applicable Government regulations, and all offerors are subject to the provisions contained in the RFP. In responding to the RFP, you should answer fully each item and supply all information requested. Section “L” provides specific directions for potential vendors in completing their proposals. The minimum standards for the services listed are contained in the Clauses and Terms of Agreement, and all proposals will be evaluated by the criterion laid out in Section “M.”
6. Offerors responding to this solicitation should carefully review the statement of work, the minimum qualifications required and the BPA terms and conditions, all of which will be incorporated into any blanket purchase agreement and resulting call awarded under this solicitation.
7. Offerors wishing to be considered for award of a BPA must provide One (1) digital PDF copy of the following information and all other required documents as specified in the RFP, in response to this solicitation including those detailed in the RFP:
- Cover letter listing all enclosed documentation.
- A completed pricing schedule for EMERGENCY / TRANSITIONAL HOUSING SERVICES (MALE)
- Respondents not registered in the System for Award Management (www.sam.gov) must provide a completed copy of Provision 3-5, Taxpayer Identification and Other Offeror Information (provided in Section K - Solicitation Provisions).
- All proposals must be signed by a representative authorized to commit the offeror to contractual obligations. Electronic /digital signatures are accepted.
8. Our office has scheduled an Offerors’ conference to review the requirements of this RFP and clarify doubts regarding the procedures. The conference will be held at the Liga Atlética Municipal de Guaynabo on July 29, 2024, from 9:00AM-12:00PM. Please confirm your assistance to the conference to the following email: treatment-rfp@prp.uscourts.gov.
9. The submission deadline for this proposal is August 16, 2024 by 4:30 pm EST. Hard copies will not be accepted. Proposals shall be e-mailed in PDF format to treatment-rfp@prp.uscourts.gov. Hard copies will not be accepted. All e-mail submissions must reference in the subject line the Solicitation number included in Section A, Block 3 of the STANDARD FORM 33 “Solicitation/Offer/Acceptance”. It will be the responsibility of the offeror to confirm the Government’s receipt of the proposal. No responses to this solicitation will be accepted after the above referenced date and time.
10. Proposals will be awarded based on initial offers submitted, and each initial offer should contain your organization’s best terms from a cost and technical standpoint, as there will be no additional opportunities to modify proposals once submitted.