The Alliance of Rouge Communities (ARC) officially announced today it has joined the MITN Purchasing Group, an e-sourcing solution from bidnet direct that provides over 250 local government agencies throughout Michigan a solution for bid and vendor management. The Alliance of Rouge Communities invites all potential vendors to register online with www.bidnetdirect.com/mitn/allianceofrougecommunitiesarc to access its upcoming solicitations.
Prior to joining the MITN Purchasing Group, the Alliance of Rouge Communities published solicitations directly to their own website. This process will continue with notices, but all vendors must register to the MITN Purchasing Group to download documents and view the full solicitation details. By publishing future solicitations on the MITN Purchasing Group, the Alliance of Rouge Communities will be able to track every step of the process and have a much more transparent bid process. Participating government agencies using the MITN Purchasing Group can track full business details of the vendors who view an RFP, which ones download the related documents, and if needed, whether they saw an addendum.
“With the MITN Purchasing Group we can even see whether or not a vendor downloading our bids is a minority business, small business, or local,” says Chris O’Meara, ARC Staff of the Alliance of Rouge Communities. “This level of tracking, both pre-and post-award, was just not possible from our website and is very helpful for auditing and showing due diligence.”
The Alliance of Rouge Communities invites all local vendors to receive access to its upcoming solicitations by joining the MITN Purchasing Group. Vendor benefits of registering on www.bidnetdirect.com/mitn/allianceofrougecommunitiesarc include:
• Centralized Location to Opportunities from all 257 Participating Agencies
• Notification of Term – Contract Expiration
• Bid Alerts Customized to the Vendors' Products or Services Provided
• Full Customer Service Support
About the Alliance of Rouge Communities (ARC):
The Alliance of Rouge Communities (ARC), a 501(c)(3) organization, is a voluntary public watershed entity currently comprised of municipal governments (i.e. cities, townships and villages), counties, the Wayne County Airport Authority, educational institutions and cooperating partners (i.e. other organizations) as authorized by Part 312 (Watershed Alliances) of the Michigan Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act (MCL 324.101 to 324.90106) as amended by Act No. 517, Public Acts of 2004.
The purpose of the ARC is to encourage watershed-wide cooperation and support to restore beneficial uses of the Rouge River to the area residents while meeting water quality permit requirements.
The Rouge River Watershed is home to more than one million people and encompasses 466 square miles, running through the most densely populated and urbanized land area in southeast Michigan. The Rouge River is a tributary to the Detroit River and its four branches total approximately 126 miles of waterways and include over 400 lakes, impoundments and ponds. More than 50 miles of the river flows through public parklands, making the Rouge River one of the most publicly accessible rivers in the country.