Today, electrical power is one of the most fundamental infrastructure systems to people and businesses across the globe. It’s a huge part of our everyday lives, from turning on lights, to heating and cooling our homes, to using our appliances and electronics that keeps us connected to the rest of the world.
The need for readily available, uninterrupted electricity is at an all-time high and although spending has been increasing to improve our electrical grids and transmission lines, we still face vulnerabilities to our power system, such as power outages due to severe weather and other major issues, like cyber and terrorist attacks.
Currently the Infrastructure Bill sits at $1 trillion; $550 billion in new spending plus the annual baseline spending. Of that $550 billion, $73 billion is currently set aside for power infrastructure. Specifically for new power and transmission lines, rebuilding old electrical grids, expanding clean energy, and increasing electric vehicle use.
Learn more on how the 2021 Infrastructure Bill affects the US power infrastructure by downloading the research paper.