1. Sealed bids for Mowry Fire Tower Repairs, North Smithfield, RI will be received on Monday, December
16, 2024 at the North Smithfield Town Hall, Finance Department, 83 Greene Street, North Smithfield, RI until
10:00 AM prevailing time, at which said Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. All bids shall be
submitted within a sealed envelope addressed to the “North Smithfield Town Hall, Finance Department, Attn:
Antony St. Onge, 83 Greene Street, North Smithfield, RI, 02896” and titled “Mowry Fire Tower Repairs”.
2. This project consists of repairs to the Mowry Fire Tower structure located off Woonsocket Hill Road in North
Smithfield, Rhode Island. In general, the work on Mowry Fire Tower Repairs includes, but is not limited to, the
Add alternate work includes, but is not limited to, the following: repair damaged or missing hot-dipped
galvanized coatings on existing structural steel members as directed by the Engineer; install new galvanized
steel plank stair treads in lieu of wood stair treads; install galvanized steel floor planks at stairway landing
platforms in lieu of wood floor planks; install new metal roofing, in lieu of asphalt shingles, at the lookout
structure; replace additional areas of existing exterior wall wood sheathing at the lookout structure as directed by
the Engineer; replace additional areas of existing wood framing components at the lookout structure as directedby the Engineer.
4. The Mowry Fire Tower is located approximately 800 feet west of the intersection of Woonsocket Hill Road and
Brentwood Drive in North Smithfield, Rhode Island. The existing structure consists of steel lattice tower
framing, steel-framed access stairs with wood stair treads and wood floor planks at stairway landings, and a
wood-framed lookout at the top of the structure. The total height of the structure, including the lookout, is
approximately 70 feet. The base of the structure measures approximately 19-feet by 19-feet. Access to the site
is obtained from Woonsocket Hill Road via an existing access road approximately 0.34 miles in length. The
entrance to the access road is located approximately 75 feet north of the driveway at 825 Woonsocket Hill Road.
The access road is secured by a locked gate.
5. Base Bid Items include the following:Item No. Item Description
1 Contract Bonds & General Requirements
2 Mobilization & Demobilization
3 Removal & Disposal of Existing Materials
4a Wood Stair Treads
4b Wood Stairway Landings
4c Chain Link Fence Fabric
5a Lookout Structure Repairs
5b Lookout Structure Roof
6. Add Alternate Bid Items include the following:
Item No. Item Description
A-1 Galvanizing Touch-Up
A-2 Galvanized Steel Stair Treads
A-3 Galvanized Steel Stairway Landings
A-4 Metal Roofing
A-5 Additional Exterior Sheathing Replacement
A-6 Additional Wood Framing Replacement
7. The estimated value of this contract is $120,000 to $230,000.
8. A mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held on site at 0 Woonsocket Hill Road, North Smithfield, Rhode Island
on Thursday, December 5, 2024 at 10:00 AM. The entrance to the site access road is located approximately
75 feet north of the driveway at 825 Woonsocket Hill Road. While not mandatory, the Town highly encourages
attendance by all potential bidders.
9. Questions regarding this Invitation to Bid must be submitted in writing to: Pare Corporation, Attn: Brian
Mahoney, 8 Blackstone Valley Place, Lincoln, RI 02865; email bmahoney@parecorp.com. Questions must be
submitted seven (7) days prior to the opening of bids. Written responses may be mailed or emailed to all bidders
on record as having received Bid Documents.