The Town of North Providence (the Town) maintains a self-insured medical arrangement purchased through RI Municipal Insurance Corporation (RIMIC) purchasing collaborative and Blue Cross Blue Shield of RI. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Rhode Island will continue to be the Claims Administrator for the upcoming Plan Year. Currently, the Town of North Providence School Department was also enrolled on the same policy as the Town, but will be breaking off to their own policy as of 6.31.24, and will no longer need to be covered under this stop loss policy. Up until 8/1/2021, BCBSRI was also the Stop Loss Reinsurer for Medical and Rx. Effective 8/1/2021 (renewing 7/1/2022) the Stop Loss contract was moved to Voya. The intent of this RFP is to determine the most competitive Stop Loss solution for the Town of North Providence. Contract features play a large role in determining a finalist and eventually awarding the contract. Please pay careful attention to the current contract terms and the requested plans.