CCPRC is requesting bids on a renovation project at the “Ashley Center” at James Island County Park. The base bid project scope includes demolishing and replacing a set of stairs to meet all applicable code requirements and includes concrete flat and footing work. Additionally, subject to CCPRC authorization, a bid alternate may include demolishing a non-ADA compliant ramp and replacing it up to all applicable code requirements, including ADA compliance. This bid alternate may also include concrete flat and footing work, as well as limited fascia, gutter, and siding replacement, and potentially other associated work. 1. All work shall be in accordance with the attached scope of work, plans (including notes and specifications) and bid provided by the contractor. 2. The contractor shall maintain a safe and clean work area. The worksite shall be secured and cleaned up daily (nails, debris, equipment, etc.) 3. The contractor shall protect the surrounding area including boardwalks, sidewalks, decks and decking, vegetation, and buildings. The contractor is responsible for leaving disturbed areas as natural as possible when the project is complete. 4. The contractor is responsible for determining what permits are required for this scope of work and obtaining those permits (including fees) in accordance with local ordinances. The contractor is responsible for all required site and building inspections. 5. The Contractor shall follow all applicable city, county, state and federal codes and regulations. 6. The contractor is responsible for ensuring completed project meets or exceeds all standards and specifications in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) and the 2010 Standards for Accessible Design. 7. The Contractor shall provide all tools, equipment products and materials necessary to complete the project. 8. The contractor is responsible for obtaining and verifying all measurements. 9. The Contractor shall a. Pull necessary building permits and schedule inspections as applicable. b. Install erosion control measures and tree protection in accordance with the plans. c. Safely and cleanly disconnect existing lumber/other materials to be discarded from materials/surfaces to remain intact. d. Verify all decking and paint colors with CCPRC staff prior to purchase and installation. e. Clean the site of all debris, scraps, loose hardware/fasteners, and tree protection to render the structure accessible for use by the Final Completion date.