Contractor will remove by milling or saw-cut depth of 4 inches (Measured from original surface course) of existing asphalt and base material. After proof rolling to engineer's approval. Contractor will replace with 4" of Intermediate Type C asphalt in 2 lifts in accordance with the 2007 Standard Specifications for Highway Construction. Compensation for 4" Full Depth Patching includes all aspects of excavation, milling, hauling off of material, asphalt, asphalt placement and any other incidentals associated with this work. To fulfill the requirements of the pay item, work is to be performed in accordance with the plans. Specifications and terms of the contract. The quantity for payment for Full Depth Patching is surface area of the patch to a uniform depth and is measured by the square yard (SY), complete and accepted. Areas to be patched will be marked by SCDOT Laurens Maintenance prior to work commencing. If Engineer determines that asphalt is needed for additional depth due to undercutting, payment will be prorated based on the additional depth and square yard unit price.