Vendor is to provide Software that will meet the following guidelines: ● Digital curricula for grades 6 through adult learners ● Helps students reach graduation goals with flexible, personalized learning that supports initial credit, content recovery, credit recovery, or flexible learning assignments that can be used to supplement traditional learning environments ● Aligned to the current SC CCR standards ● Includes core and elective credit courses from 6th-12th grades ● Supports and aligns with CTE standards with learning labs and hands-on learning experiences ● Unlocks paths to graduation with an engaging, mastery-based curriculum ● Supports real-world connections ● Includes a robust course catalog ● Designed to be evidence-based and supports current research on student learning ● Offers rigorous and engaging courses with pre-tests to evaluate gaps and target instruction ● Provides student scaffolding with interactive instructional tools ● Provides equitable access to learning for all students ● Customizable to align with district needs and pacing ● Includes formative, summative, and authentic assessments ● Offers district data analytics through an easy-to-navigate dashboard ● Offers administrators detailed analytics through a filterable dashboard for school-wide analytics ● Offers teacher analytics to ensure students are on pace and able to support learning throughout the course ● Offers students easy access to evidence-based learning that is easy to navigate and access despite individual learning needs and abilities Technical Requirements: ● Compatible with Lenovo 300e or newer model ● Integrates with ClassLink and possibly Canvas LMS ● Offers content to be read-aloud ● Translation is available to support academic vocabulary building ● Offers accessible content for all (Key Accessibility features are built-in)