Specifications include, but are not limited to: 1. Provide confidential online counseling services for enrolled students. The telehealth counseling service will provide services for a wide range of student needs, including, but not limited to: • Anxiety • Depression • Relationships • Social adjustment/recognizing social cues • Personality disorders • Academic or career stress • Failing grades • Struggling with responsibilities • Balancing school, work, family, parenting, and other life issues • Health or body image issues • Substance Abuse • Burnout • Anger Management • Suicidal or self-harmful thoughts • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)/Trauma • Gender identity and gender confirmation 2. Provide up to seven (7) assessment, referral, and problem-solving sessions, or the number of sessions allowed by state law, per unique problem episode per year to Participants. These sessions will take place virtually. 3. Be available to Horry-Georgetown Technical College students, providing access to clinicians during and after HGTC’s operating hours (evenings and weekends). 4. Have experience working with students in higher education, specifically community and technical college students. 5. Provide students with options to select from a diverse group of counselors who are licensed in South Carolina that can provide a variety of evidence-based treatment techniques including cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Dialectal Behavioral Therapy (DBT), etc. 6. Provide HIPAA compliant platform that abides by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), to protect and securely store relevant personal health information (PHI). 7. Service or counselors, at their expense, purchase and maintain professional liability insurance during their relationship with the online telehealth surface no less than: $1,000,000-per occurrence (each individual claim) $3,000,000-aggregate (total amount per policy year)