The County of Lexington currently has a fleet of approximately four hundred fifty (450) PPV vehicles with wraps throughout the Lexington County Sheriff’s Department, EMS and Lexington County Fire Service. This fleet increases by an estimated seventy (70) PPV vehicles per fiscal year (July 1 through June 30) and replacements of current PPV vehicles can range from one or more vehicles annually. The County of Lexington is seeking sealed proposals from interested, qualified vendors, within forty (40) miles of Fleet Services (338 Ball Park Road) to provide Vinyl Vehicle Wraps for our fleet. The current fleet inventory has been wrapped but could require repairs and/or new wraps under unknown circumstances. The anticipated new contract will be for both repairs, replacements and new fleet vehicle wraps (full and partial). This will include but not be limited to: Graphic Design(s) Installation Repairs Replacements Warranties The County of Lexington will be responsible for the delivery and pickup of the fleet vehicles unless accommodations or alternate arrangements are discussed and agreed upon by both parties in advance.