Specifications include, but are not limited to: The Contractor must provide all services described below: 1. The Contractor shall provide website design, development, programming, implementation, support services, ongoing enhancements and training for the South Carolina Aeronautics Commission (SCAC) website, scaeronautics.sc.gov. 2. The Contractor shall perform an initial audit of the current website prior to initiating any development. 3. The redesigned website shall integrate the SCAC logo unless directed otherwise by SCAC. 4. The Contractor must receive final approval from SCAC on all aspects of the website prior to the go-live date (this is the date that the website goes from testing into production and is available to external users through the internet). 5. Contractor will designate a primary and backup project point of contact. Contractor will provide timely (within 1 business day) feedback to SCAC requests and questions via email. Contractor will be available to conduct video web meetings as needed by the SCAC. 6. The Contractor must utilize HTML5 and CSS techniques, so the website displays effectively and uniformly on all browsers, including but not limited to Internet Explorer (with graceful degradation for older versions), Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Safari. Furthermore, the Contractor must provide a responsive site that scales appropriately to display effectively on desktops, notebooks, tablets, and smartphones (IOS 15.2 and Android 12). The website must also contain a privacy statement provided by SCAC and be Section 508 ADA compliant per WCAG 2.0. 7. SCAC is responsible for providing content for the website, but the Contractor should be prepared to provide content development support in coordination with SCAC. Initially, the responsibility for populating body copy is that of the Contractor, ensuring all content is consistent with the overall website aesthetic theme/design and creative visual elements as agreed upon with SCAC. 8. SCAC will consider suggestions on areas where content should be revised and/or replaced (eg. infographics). In those cases, the Contractor will be responsible for the design, development, and deployment of such graphics and/or elements. (See point 21 below) 9. The Contractor shall utilize an open-source content management system, such as WordPress, for the back-end of the website. SCAC will not use or otherwise procure proprietary content management software. 10. After the initial re-design, SCAC will manage the day-to-day content management of the website (e.g. adding news releases, editing body copy, etc.), but will rely on the Contractor to assist with edits that require design work or changes that are outside of SCAC’s expertise (ex. changing pictures, changing spotlights, etc.). The Contractor shall provide SCAC with the necessary training on the technological platform used in designing the website to accommodate SCAC’s day-to-day content management, including providing SCAC with a training guide and all website documentation.