Pre-Construction Services shall include but are not limited to the following: a. Participate in program manager and design team meetings as required to facilitate the design process. b. Evaluate the design during development; providing analysis of alternate construction methods and materials for potential quality, cost and schedule enhancements. c. Evaluate construction documents for constructability, maintainability, potential problems, errors and compliance with the construction budget. d. Develop a construction schedule, coordinating activities to accomplish the completion of the project by the earliest date possible within the stated cost limitation. e. Provide cost estimating, cost management, value analysis, and value engineering. f. Provide cost estimating of alternative means, methods, materials and configurations of the design. g. Provide cost estimating of individual construction packages. h. Develop a construction budget to be maintained throughout the design and construction to confirm with the Guaranteed Maximum Price for the Project. i. Guaranteed Maximum Price: At an appropriate point in the project and subject to contractual negotiations, the CM at-Risk shall issue to the District a guaranteed maximum price backed by a surety bond. The project shall be constructed within this Guaranteed Maximum Price. To the extent professionally responsible, the firm will overlap the Design Development and Construction Phases when components are conductive to early construction starts, reflecting such in the project schedule. Construction Phase Services shall include but are not limited to the following: a. Develop requirements for safety, quality assurance, and schedule adherence. b. Maintain on-site staff for construction management. c. Maintain a system for tracking the timely submittal, review, and approval of submittals.