Specifications include, but are not limited to: Hotel – The preference is for a headquarters hotel that is adjacent to the convention center with a minimum of 270 committable rooms on peak nights. In addition, we require two Presidential type suites at the group rate, free internet in all the hotel rooms, meeting rooms, registration area and exhibit hall. The University of Tennessee requests a 24-hour hold on meeting space beginning Tuesday and continuing through Thursday of the meeting at the headquarters property. The room pricing should be as close to the US GSA rates as possible. Total Room Nights include: Wednesday – 25 Rooms Thursday – 275 Rooms Food & Entertainment – Please provide food menus with the full cost breakdowns and any additional service charges, and see the schedule of events: Thursday: 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. – Buffet Lunch – (500 people) 2:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. – Break – Vendor Hall (500 people) Friday: 8:00 – 9:00 a.m. – Breakfast (500 people) All day beverage service (coffee & water each day) Parking – 200 parking spaces should be available, and please provide any cost estimates per space and if discounted rates are available. These must be available to park large emergency response vehicles, and please provide alternative locations for parking if not available on site. Registration: Six tables, including two chairs and a trash can, and the registration space will need to accommodate 12 staff members total from Tuesday Evening – Thursday. These registration tables will process approximately 450 persons during the summit. A/V & Event Space Needs – Please provide a cost breakdown in the attached cost proposal on any A/V and Staging Costs 2 large screens with projectors in main meeting room 1 podium with microphone 4 wireless microphones 6-8 screens with computer input or traditional screens and projectors in breakout rooms