4.3.1 The auditor shall, as part of the written audit report, submit to the CAC Board of Directors, a report containing an expression of an opinion that the financial statements are fairly presented, or an opinion qualified as to certain funds or items in the financial statements, a disclaimer of opinion and the reasons therefore, or an adverse opinion, and shall explain, in every detail, any unusual items or circumstances under which the auditor was unable to reach a conclusion. This report shall state that generally accepted government auditing standards have been followed in the audit. 4.3.2 The auditor’s opinion shall be expressed on the opinion units identified in the AICPA Audit and Accounting Guide: State and Local Governments, as well as the additional requirements in the State of Tennessee Department of Audit’s Audit Manual. 4.3.3 The auditor shall furnish ten (10) copies of the report to CAC. The auditor shall file copies of said report with the Comptroller of the Treasury, and with the appropriate officials of the granting agencies. 4.3.4 If a management letter or any other reports or correspondence relating to findings or recommendations are issued in connection with this audit, a copy shall be filed with the Comptroller of the Treasury. Such management letters, reports, or correspondence shall be consistent with the findings published in the audit report (i.e., they shall disclose no matters also not required by GAS or the comptroller’s additional requirements to be disclosed in the findings found in the published audit report). 4.3.5 Pertinent data from the working papers shall be available for five years for reference, if requested by CAC.