Specifications include, but are not limited to: * To support the minimum requirements of operation, the Contractor's product(s) must be fully able to work within a 100Mb wire-based connection and an 802.11n for minimum wireless bandwidth connectivity for the end use client. Contractors that have exceptions to these minimums must clearly identify the minimum operating requirements of their product/solution in the proposal. * Wide area network connections for MNPS facilities are a minimum of 100 Mb metro-fiber with a shared internet egress capacity of 20 Gb for all MNPS facilities. The current egress utilization is at a 50% subscription rate during peak hours. * For on premise solutions, MNPS has adopted a Microsoft Operating System as a standard and server version 2016 and Microsoft SQL Database 2016 as a minimum platform of operation. Contractors that do not facilitate operations in the latest adopted version of server and database or the minimum supported version as noted above, must provide a projection date for when the proposed solution will be able to operate within the noted environment. Contractors with solutions that operate outside of these standard operating environments must fully identify the OS (incl. Version), Database (incl. Version) and minimum hardware platform requirements to support their product. Further, for any web-based platform proposed that utilizes a web server engine other than Microsoft IIS, the same clarification must be provided to identify the solution being proposed (including any third-party addon requirements)...