The University is seeking a qualified Contractor to supply management, labor, equipment, apparel, swag, goods, course materials, and supplies necessary to manage and operate a professional Bookstore, with trade book section and café, and online services. 1.1.1 The University will consider proposals that include virtual or book delivery options AND a physical presence for Convenience/Apparel. However, it will not consider proposals that offer only one of the two. 1.2 The University’s overall goal in soliciting a Contractor is to have Bookstore services that will enhance and improve the level of services and satisfaction, financial effectiveness, and coincide with our University strategic goals. 1.3 An award resulting from this RFP will be for a period of fifteen (15) years, with five (5) year renewals to review the agreement, in collaboration between the University and Contractor, to decide if any sections of the agreement need to be amended. 1.4 The selected proposer shall be obligated to purchase the remaining inventory of the current bookstore, Barnes & Noble College, at their cost and cooperate in a smooth transition plan.