This project consists of installing a center median on Adagio Lane per the plans prepared by Renaissance Group, Inc. Temporary traffic control measures shall be used during all phases of construction. All attempts shall be made to keep at least one lane of the roadway open. In the event of a road closure, the Owner shall be notified within 48 hours of the impending work. A traffic control plan for each location shall be submitted to the City Engineer for approval prior to construction. The contractor is responsible for all utility locates in the area of work and for those that may be affected by the construction. Coordination with utility company may be required. All construction material shall be removed and properly disposed of in accordance with State and local regulations within the time limits of the project. Removal and hauling away of all construction debris including unsuitable soils shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. All roadway pavement markings shall meet the current Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) Specification for pavement markings. All new pavement markings shall be 60 mil thermoplastic for striping and 90 mil thermoplastic for stop bars. Material/Density testing will be performed at the request of the Owner. Testing will be paid by invoice.