Anionic Emulsified Asphalt: RS-2 1. Scope – This specification covers RS-2 anionic emulsified asphalt for use in surface treatment application. 2. Reference Documents – AASHTO Test Methods: T 40 Sampling Bituminous Materials, T 59 Testing Emulsified Asphalt. 3. Requirements – The emulsified asphalt shall be homogenous. Within 30 days after delivery and provided separation has not been caused by freezing, the emulsified asphalt shall be homogenous after thorough mixing. 4. Sampling – Samples of emulsified asphalt shall be taken in accordance with AASHTO T 40 Sampling Bituminous Materials. Samples shall be stored in clean, airtight sealed containers as specified in paragraph 4 1.2 of T 40 at a temperature of not less that 4.5 C (40F) until tested. Samples shall be tested with two weeks of sampling. 5. The properties of the emulsified asphalt given in the table below shall be determined in accordance with AASHTO T 59 testing Emulsified Asphalts. RS-2 anionic emulsified asphalt shall conform to the table below: Test on Emulsion Quality Control Specifications Saybolt-Furol Viscosity@ 122F (seconds) 500-800 500-800 Demulsibility 35ml 0.02 CaCL% 60 min Sieve Test % 0.1 max 0.1 max Residue by distillation % 63 min 63 min Test on Residue from Distillation Test Penetration, 77 F, 100g, 5s dmm 100-200