s. Contractor is responsible for furnishing all personnel, equipment, supplies, and materials necessary to permanently close the AST and USTs described below: Tank No. Type Capacity Former Contents Construction 1 UST 10,000 gallons Diesel Fuel Fiberglass Clad Steel 2 UST 20,000 gallons Diesel Fuel Fiberglass Clad Steel 3 AST 7,000 gallons Gasoline Double-Wall Steel In addition, Contractor is responsible for removal and disposal of the concrete pad/structure above the 10,000-gallon UST, as wells as mechanical and electrical equipment on top of the structure. The concrete structure is 14’ (width) x 36.5’ (length) x 2’ (approximate average height/thickness). Photographs of the AST, USTs, equipment, and structure discussed above are attached as Exhibit H. Contractor shall perform the following tasks on a Lump Sum basis as itemized in the Price Schedule. a. Task #1 – Provide a site-specific Health and Safety Plan to MTA for review and approval at least 2 weeks before arriving onsite. b. Task #2 – Contact Tennessee One Call Services at least 3 working days prior to mobilization as required by law. Contractor will also contract a private underground locating service prior to the project start date, at their expense, to assist in identifying underground utility lines, electrical lines, etc.