Specifications include, but are not limited to: Services are requested for seasonal league/tournament play and special events as follows: A. Tennessee High School Viking Hall - 1100 Edgemont Avenue, Bristol, Tennessee B. Tod Houston Baseball Field - 201 Bluff City Highway, Bristol, Tennessee; Beverage Service shall include: A. Conduct said business as not to interfere with other uses or activities on the property. B. Current models of equipment with the latest technology, be energy and/or electrically efficient, and be esthetically acceptable by Bristol TN City Schools. Equipment includes, but not limited to the following: a. Beverage POS Vending Machines b. Beverage Coolers – 1 & 2 Door c. Beverage Cooler – Small C. All equipment should not be disruptive to activities taking place in the facilities and be quiet. D. Installation of equipment and the cost of it will be the responsibility of the Beverage Provider. The System will cooperate with and support reasonable requests. E. Bristol Tennessee City Schools may reject machine signage or logo if deemed objectionable or a distraction to activities in the facility by the School Administration. The System reserves the right to approve advertisement artwork prior to production and installation...