1. Provide selection lists in an online format for an opening day collection using an agreed upon profile. The project shall include materials in all subject areas and age ranges specifically DVDs (feature films, animated feature films and non-fiction). Audiobooks (juvenile, young adult, and adult fiction; juvenile, young adult, and adult non-fiction) and Music CDs (all genres). a. Selection lists will have online review and ordering capabilities. 2. Fill rate shall meet or exceed 95% of items when the library opens for business to the public. Shall supply, ship and shelve 90% of the items at a date to be determined for opening day of the branch library. It is expected July 1st – August 2025 for shelves to be ready for materials. The VENDOR must be flexible within 45 days of expected deliver date. 3. All items backordered and available from the publisher must be fully cataloged, processed and delivered within one (1) month after the opening day of the branch library. Items that remain backordered after this date will have their order canceled. 4. Provide full MARC records for all purchased materials customized to LIBRARY standards as outlined in cataloging instructions (Appendix A). 5. Provide shelf-ready processing of all purchased materials, including RFID tagging as specified in processing instructions (Appendix B). All processing supplies, unless otherwise noted shall be furnished by the VENDOR. Processing samples shall be approved by the LIBRARY prior to the start of the project. Periodic samples of processing will be reviewed by the LIBRARY staff throughout all phases of the project...