Specifications include, but are not limited to:. The property consists of primarily open space, agricultural and forest land. The property surrounds and forms the context for Rippavilla, a two-story brick antebellum-style plantation house with classic Greek Revival architecture constructed from 1852 to 1855. Also located on the property are the Carriage house (currently serving as a Gift Shop for the museum), an original Slave Cabin, a Freedmen Bureau's School House (circa 1870), Historic Cheairs Cemetery, Brown's Stand (a historically accurate recreated log structure), Ikard Center, several barns and other structures supporting the agricultural use of the property, and Rayburn Amphitheatre. The City is currently in the final stages for completing a Master Plan for the property in conjunction with Tuck-Hinton, the City's consultant for the project. The Master Plan is currently tentatively scheduled to be presented to the Board of Mayor and Alderman in March 2021 and is tentatively scheduled to be adopted in March or April 2021.