1 Min req. Licenses & Certifications Provide all appropriate Licenses and Certifications required in the State of Tennessee to provide the goods and/or perform the Services required. Provide a copy of your Shelby County Business License (if business is located in Shelby County, TN). 2 Min req. EOC Number Must provide active Equal Opportunity Compliance (EOC) number(s) and Vendor number, or your applications are “in” the EOC system and the Purchasing system for processing (refer to details outlined below) – please list all your Shelby County EOC active numbers. 3 Min req. Title VI Adherence to all provisions of Title VI requirements – please attest, and provide proof/documentation if necessary. 4 Min req. Independent Vendors Independent Vendors (sole proprietors) must adhere to State of Tennessee Public Chapter No. 436, known as the “Tennessee Lawful Employment Act” (effective date of 01/01/12) – please provide proof and documentation of employment eligibility (driver’s license,…); Otherwise mention you are NOT an Independent Vendors (sole proprietors). 5 Min req. Forms FORM - Drug Free Workplace Affidavit must be completed, signed and notarized with your proposal – even if less than 5 employees. 6 Min req. Experience Must Attest Must attest to a minimum of five (5) years of experience providing the goods and/or performing the services described in this RFP. 7 Min req. Certified Peer Recovery Staff Must attest to having at least one (1) Certified Peer Recovery Specialist on staff. 8 Min req. Capacity Must attest to having the capacity to serve at least 38 participants at all times. 9 Min req. Supervision of Facility Must attest to facility being staff supervised 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.