Specifications include, but are not limited to: s providing Special Education and related services for eligible students in grades 5 -12 in a manner that offers the highest quality programs/services for the most students at the least cost. Programs/services include instruction, parent involvement, professional development, full implementation of IEPs, and communication between staff and MNPS providers, such as bus drivers, regarding student conduct issues. The students assigned to this program may be diagnosed with one or more of the following disabilities: Emotional Disturbance, Other Health Impairment, and Learning Disability, but may have other disabilities as well. The students may exhibit verbal and/or physical aggression. Requirements A. Specifications Contractor shall provide Special Education and related services, mental health services, and meals to students placed by MNPS. MNPS will be responsible for the transportation of students to and from the Contractor's facility. Services shall be provided in accordance with the IEP of each student. Services will be provided by appropriately licensed or certified personnel. The contractor shall implement an IEP which will meet the unique needs of each child enrolled, with provision for all support materials and services necessary for each child's education. Contractor shall provide 1:1 paraprofessionals as needed in determination with MNPS. Contractor may not unilaterally add a 1:1 paraprofessional to any student without first going through MNPS LRE Process with involvement from MNPS Department of Exceptional Education. Contractor shall provide a paraprofessional employee to accompany MNPS students on an MNPS-operated vehicle in the afternoon during each day of its regular operations as needed and determined by MNPS.