Summary of Specifications:
The County wishes to learn the status of opportunities for small, minority and women-owned businesses to participate in county contracts and undertake all necessary and affirmative steps to ensure that such businesses are afforded equal opportunity for participation. To that end, the County seeks a consultant or a team of consultants to conduct a disparity study that: 1. Examines what, if any, barriers may be adversely affecting the participation of small, minority and women-owned businesses in contracts issued by the County; 2. Identifies the availability of small, minority, women and non- minority owned contractors and vendors that are ready, willing, able and have the capacity to do business with the County in the relevant market area, calculated for each racial and ethnic group; 3. Analyzes the contracting and procurement data of the County to determine the solicitation and respective utilization of small, minority and women-owned businesses; 4. Determines the extent to which any identified disparities in the utilization of available small, minority and women-owned businesses by the County are attributable to discrimination; or 5. Proposes programs and ranks anticipated efficacy of those programs to remedy the effects of any discrimination identified, and to reduce or eliminate any other marketplace barriers that adversely affect the contract participation of such small, minority and women-owned businesses. The County desires to undertake the disparity study with a fast track completion schedule. The successful Respondent will determine the availability of ready, willing and able small, minority and women-owned businesses to participate in County contracts. Respondents MUST attend ONE of the pre proposal conferences