Sealed Qualifications will be received by the Finance Department of the City of Buda until 2:00 p.m. January 19, 2022, for “RFQ 22-004 City of Buda Broadband Study”. Request for Qualifications may be obtained from the Purchasing Manager at the Buda Municipal Building, 405 E. Loop St., Buda, Texas 78610 or go to
The City intends to select a qualified Consultant to assist the City of Buda in assessing current broadband service options available within the City. The purpose of the broadband study is to explore ways to expand broadband service options in the City of Buda that increases private competition, provide customers with different options, and increase service reliability and speeds while lowering costs. The study will analyze potential barriers to expansion by service providers and opportunities for the City to provide broadband as a utility.
The Consultant shall plan for the required meetings with staff and key stakeholders and provide presentations to City Council as necessary to complete this project.
ADDRESS AND MARK ENVELOPE: “RFQ 22-004 City of Buda Broadband Study” TO: Purchasing, City of Buda, 405 E. Loop St., Buda, Texas 78610. TO BE OPENED: 2:00 p.m. January 19, 2022.
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