Sealed Qualifications will be received by the Finance Department of the City of Buda until 2:00 p.m. December 16, 2021, for “RFQ 22-003 Water Master Planning Services for the City of Buda”. Request for Qualifications may be obtained from the Purchasing Manager at the Buda Municipal Building, 405 E. Loop St., Buda, Texas 78610 or go to
The City intends to select a qualified Water Master Planning Consultant to perform an assessment of the current water system, and provide guidance on the City’s future water demands.
The project involves developing population and water demand projections for 5-, 10-, and 20-year conditions. The Consultant will also evaluate the existing water system through review of GIS, production, consumption, and operational data and review the City’s existing water contracts. Consultant will evaluate and make recommendations on a new or updated city water model. Calibration of the water model will be used to analyze 5-, 10-, and 20-year system conditions to identify any needed improvements. Consultant will develop CIP projects based on results of computer modeling and prepare a master plan report discussing field test results, assumptions, water demand projections, and recommended capital improvement plans.
The Consultant shall plan for the required meetings with staff and key stakeholders and provide presentations to City Council as necessary to complete this project within one year of the kickoff meeting.
ADDRESS AND MARK ENVELOPE: “RFQ 22-003 Water Master Planning Services for the City of Buda” TO: Purchasing, City of Buda, 405 E. Loop St., Buda, Texas 78610. TO BE OPENED: 2:00 p.m. December 16, 2021.