will be received prior to 3:00 P.M., July 23, 2020. The City of Leander continues to experience rapid growth within its City Limits and ETJ. Recent development near Brushy Creek has added new impervious cover, potentially creating an increase to peak stormwater runoff. Additionally, NOAA released new precipitation data that predicts higher cumulative rainfall depths.
The City has is requesting Statements of Qualifications from qualified engineering consulting firms to provide professional services to update the Upper Brushy Creek Watershed hydrologic and hydraulic (H&H) models and floodplain maps within and adjacent to the Leander jurisdictional limits based on the increase in impervious cover, new or modified crossings, changes in stream conditions, as well as Atlas 14 precipitation data. These new best available models and maps can be retained by the City for local regulatory purposes or ultimately submitted to FEMA for a Physical Map Revision (PMR).
A PMR is an action whereby the regulatory flood hazard data, including one or more Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) map panels, associated Flood Insurance Study (FIS), and National Flood Hazard Layer (NFHL) are physically revised and republished. A PMR is used to change flood risk zones, floodplain and/or floodway delineations, flood elevations, and/or planimetric features. All modeling, mapping, shapefile development, and reporting for this project will be performed according to applicable FEMA standards in order that the data may be submitted for formal map updates in the future.
Items covered in this scope include data collection from the City and other sources, field survey and reconnaissance, hydrologic and hydraulic analysis, mapping, outside funding research, and report development. This analysis will include North Fork Brushy Creek, South Fork Brushy Creek, Mason Creek, Block House Creek, and Brushy Creek and all their currently mapped tributaries to the confluence of Brushy Creek and Block House Creek. Items that are not covered in this scope of services include property owner coordination, environmental and geotechnical investigation or analysis, FEMA coordination, PMR project planning, Study Production, or NFHL processing. Solicitation documents and complete scope of work may be downloaded from the City website at