The City of San Marcos is soliciting sealed bids to be received in the Office of the Purchasing Manager, Building 4, 630 E. Hopkins St., San Marcos, TX 78666, as outlined below:
Solicitation Number: IFB 222-206 Blanco Riverine Flood Mitigation
Scope of Project: Includes berm/floodwall structure located between River Road and the Blanco River to contain flood waters during the 50-year and more frequent flood events. The concrete flood wall is recommended to minimize right of way and structure acquisition. In addition to the berm and floodwall, a relief channel is proposed to efficiently transfer Blanco River flows to the San Marcos River. The total estimated construction cost is $14,800,000.
Project Manual, plans, addenda, bid tabulation, etc., available for download at
Bidders must submit a cashier’s check, certified check, or acceptable bidder’s bond with their bid in the amount of five percent (5%) of the bid submitted.
A non-mandatory pre-bid video conference will be held on June 21, 2022, at 2:00 P.M., Local Time. Access instructions to the pre-bid video conference can be located at
Bids must be received in the Office of the Purchasing Manager, Building 4, 630 E. Hopkins St., San Marcos, TX 78666, no later than July 14, 2022, at 2:00 P.M., Local Time, and will be conducted via video-conferencing. Instructions for access to the video-conference can be located at the top of the site.
Award is scheduled for the September 6, 2022, City Council meeting at 6:00 p.m. or any subsequent time unless otherwise rescheduled.
Questions must be submitted in writing to the City of San Marcos Purchasing and Contracting Division only at Please reference the solicitation number when corresponding.