The City of TAYLOR will receive sealed bids for the reconstruction of Six (6) homes until 10:30 A.M. February 7th, 2019 at City Hall, 400 Porter Street, Taylor, Texas 76574. The bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at 10:30 A.M. at the City Hall at the same address.
Bids are invited upon the several items and quantities of work as follows:
Construction of Six (6) three bedroom homes as described in the plans and specs to be built at the maximum Six (6) times on separate lots within the City.
The City of TAYLOR encourages local purchasing of materials for construction of these projects.
Contract Documents, including drawings and technical specifications are on file at City Hall (address listed above). Copies of the contract documents and instructions for bidding may be obtained from City Hall as well.
The City of TAYLOR reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to waive any informality in the bidding.
Bids may be held by the City of TAYLOR for a period not to exceed ninety (90) days from the date of the opening of the Bids for the purpose of reviewing the bids and investigating the qualification of bidders, prior to awarding of the Contract.
Tom Yantis, City of Taylor, Director of Development Services
Dates to publish: January 23 and January 30, 2019