2022 Comprehensive Plan Update
The City of Fredericksburg is seeking proposals from qualified, professional consultants who will assist the City in updating the City’s comprehensive plan and policy framework for intelligent growth over a 15-year planning horizon (“RFP”). The consultant awarded this contract will have the primary responsibility of developing the Fredericksburg Comprehensive Plan document (“Comprehensive Plan” or “Plan”) and will work in coordination with the City of Fredericksburg’s City Council, Boards and Commissions, Stakeholders, Citizens, and City Departments. The selected consultant shall be expected to address several issues facing the City now and in the future. Such issues shall include but not limited to updating Future Land Use assumptions for the City’s planning area, pedestrian connectivity, transportation review, relief routes, mobility, parking issues, updates to the City’s Future Thoroughfare Plan, incorporation of the City’s Future Parks Plan & Transportation Master Plan, business retention & expansion, agricultural & environmental issues, Conference Center/Hotel development, workforce education & retainment, other labor issues, broadband connectivity, and affordable housing.
Submittals are due by February 1, 2022, at 5:00 p.m. CST.
The Requests for Proposals can be downloaded in its entirety at https://www.fbgtx.org/bids.aspx.
Questions regarding the content of this proposal shall be submitted to:
Director of Development Services
Jason Lutz
126 W. Main Street
Fredericksburg, TX 78624
Phone: (830) 990-2028
Email: jlutz@fbgtx.org