1. Purpose The City of Austin (City) seeks to establish a contract with qualified photographers (Contractors) who have proven experience in providing professional photographs of indoor and outdoor art, meetings, and community engagement events as assigned. This contract is to provide services for the City of Austin Economic Development Department (EDD) Cultural Arts Division Art in Public Places program (AIPP). It is anticipated that the AIPP Program will have between 10 and 30 projects to photograph per year; the Contractor shall be needed throughout the contract period as new artworks are completed and installed. Photography produced by the Contractor will be used by EDD as an archival record of the artwork in the AIPP collection, and in the marketing and promotion of its services and events through a variety of formats including social media, print materials, and EDD’s website. The photographs will be used for documentation and publicity purposes; they will not become part of the Art in Public Places artwork collection 4. Scope of Work The Contractor shall: 4.1 Provide photography service on an as-needed basis and coordinate services with the City Contract Manager. 4.2 Scout the project site to make determinations regarding types of shots, lighting situations, and best vantage points, time of day/night, and challenges that need resolution to yield best quality of images (i.e. overhead lighting glare, harsh shadows, site activity or schedule).