All correspondence must be made through the Vendor Portal. Specifications include, but are not limited to: The support course will consist of a maximum of fifteen (15) participants and a timeframe with a maximum time of eight (8) months. The awardee will identify and reach out to participants who are eligible in the following three categories: • Not currently a non-profit organization, however operating as one, without the certifications needed to qualify for funding. Organization’s past and current program success, funding, assets, expertise, and experience will be considered. • Currently a registered non-profit organization that has not applied for any governmental or private funding. • An established non-profit organization needing assistance identified in the areas of the support course. The awardee will select cohorts of qualified non-profits through a competitive process. The awardee will develop a course (modules, timeline and course certification) to train participants to become a stabilized non-profit organization. The course must include but not be limited to the following training modules: • Developing a vision and mission statement • Developing a strategic plan • Record keeping and internal controls. • Organizational structure and board development o Bylaws o Robert’s Rules of Order • Budget development and money management • Performance Measurement/Management • Government Funding: o Applying o Management o Auditable Documentation • Website design and maintenance • Becoming and maintaining a 501c3 non-profit status