Vendor must provide new or reconditioned vending machines only. Uniform in height and attractive looking to blend into modern surroundings. Vending machines must be free standing and energy efficient. NEISD shall not be required to illuminate vending machines. Low or no light preferred. Vendor shall cooperate and assist NEISD in its energy management programs and policies. All machines must meet or exceed "ALL" safety requirements for federal, state and local government. NEISD shall not be required to make or pay for capital improvements or to provide additional plumbing, electrical or other connections or services for vending machines unless approved and agreed to by NEISD in writing. All machines shall have adequate change and product for the day's business. Vending machine must be equipped with a dollar bill changer and credit/debit card reader. All machines accessible by students must be equipped with "lock outs"(or timers) to enable the schools to comply with the U.S. Department of Agriculture competitive food regulations. Any machines found not equipped with "lockouts" will be identified to the vendor for immediate replacement of machine with a comparable "lockout" compliant machine, installation of a "lockout" mechanism on said machine or removal of the machine missing the "lockout"mechanism. Missing "lockouts" on multiple vending machines or a vendors failure to remedy the issue could justify immediate cancellation of contract.