All correspondence must be made through the Vendor Portal. Specifications include, but are not limited to: It is the intention of Region 14 Education Service Center (herein “Region 14 ESC”) to establish a Master Agreement for Integrated Cloud Payroll, Human Resource, Time & Labor Management, and Employee Scheduling Technology Solutions and Service for use by Region 14 ESC and other public agencies supported under this contract. Region 14 ESC on behalf of itself and all states, local governments, school districts, and higher education institutions in the United States of America, and other government agencies and nonprofit organizations (herein “Public Agency” or collectively “Public Agencies”) is soliciting proposals from qualified vendors to enter into a Master Agreement for a complete line of Integrated Cloud Payroll, Human Resource, Time & Labor Management, and Employee Scheduling Technology Solutions and Service. Region 14 ESC, as the lead public agency, has partnered with NCPA to make the resultant contract available to all participating agencies in the United States. NCPA provides marketing and administrative support for the awarded vendor that promotes the successful vendor’s products and services to Public Agencies nationwide. The Vendor will execute the NCPA Administration Agreement (Tab 2) upon award. Vendor should thoroughly review all documents and note any exceptions to NCPA terms and conditions in their proposal. Awarded vendor(s) shall perform covered product or services under the terms of this agreement. Respondents shall provide pricing based on a discount from their standard pricing schedules for products and/or services offered. Electronic Catalog and/or price lists must accompany the proposal. Multiple percentage discount structure is also acceptable. Please specify where different percentage discounts apply. Additional pricing and/or discounts may be included. Each product or service proposed is to be priced separately with all ineligible items identified. Services may be awarded to multiple vendors. Respondents may elect to limit their proposals to a single product or service within any category, or multiple products or services within any and all categories. The National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance (herein “NCPA”) assists public agencies to increase their efficiency and reduce their costs when procuring goods and services. This is accomplished by awarding competitively solicited contracts that are leveraged nationally by combining the volumes and purchasing power of entities nationwide. Our contracts are available for use by any entity that complies with procurement laws and regulations. It is the intention of Region 14 ESC and NCPA to achieve the following objectives through this RFP. • Provide a comprehensive competitively solicited Master Agreement offering Products and Services to Public Agencies; • Achieve cost savings of Vendors and Public Agencies through a single competitive solicitation process that eliminates the need for multiple proposals; • Combine the purchasing power of Public Agencies to achieve cost effective pricing; • Reduce the administrative and overhead costs of Vendors and Public Agencies through state of the art purchasing procedures.