Sources Sought Notice Sources Sought Notice Page 4 of 4 Sources Sought Notice Sources Sought Notice Page 1 of 4 Sources Sought Notice The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Veterans Health Administration, Veterans Integrated Service Network 17, Network Contracting Office (NCO) 17 is seeking sources for the following procurement: North Texas Fire Alarm/Sprinkler Systems PM Services SCOPE OF WORK: The purpose of this contract is to provide comprehensive life safety fire alarm system and sprinkler suppression systems repair, maintenance, inspection, testing and modification/installation for all building on the Dallas, Bonham, Garland, Grand Prairie campuses, Veteran Resource Center (Herzog and all surrounding buildings) and TR houses in the NTVHCS. See Statement of Work (Draft) for Contractor Qualifications. NCO 17 is seeking sources that have the capability of providing these services. Firms that can provide these services are encouraged to respond to the sources sought notice by contacting the point of contact. Capable firms must respond to the POC no later than 4PM CST on November 22, 2024, to be considered. Interested firms must identify their company name, SAM UEI number, socioeconomic category, and are asked to provide a capabilities statement with their response. This notice is NOT a formal request for quote or proposals. No formal solicitation document exists currently. The information in this notice is for information and planning purposes only and is not to be construed as a commitment by the government. No contract will be awarded from this notice. The acquisition strategy will be decided based on responses and other market research efforts. If parties choose to respond, any cost associated with preparation and submission of data or cost incurred in response to this announcement shall be the sole responsibility of the contractor and will not be reimbursed by the Government. Notice: DO NOT respond to this notice in the Interested Vendors List. Interested firms must respond directly to Sherine Brooks, Contract Specialist at: