Specifications include, but are not limited to: The intent of this procurement solicitation, Region One ESC Meal Catering, is to establish a pre-qualified list of responsive and responsible Vendors, known as a company or firm whose purpose is to provide on-site and off-site products and/or services that include, but not limited to meal planning, meal service, box lunches, special event meal service, outdoor events, working lunches, weekend events, delivery, meal set-up, clean-up, décor, tablecloths, and cloth napkins. Region One ESC is also seeking alternate on-site meal service proposals from vendors to provide daily snack, meal and beverage options for sale to staff and patrons in the ESCafe located at the Edinburg Main Office. In addition, Region One ESC is interested seeking proposals from vendors to host food truck options at the Region One ESC Edinburg Main Office to provide meal and beverage options for sale to staff and patrons. Item descriptions, specifications and/or technical requirements are provided for items and an opportunity for Vendors to provide a price list for other items not specified in the items tab. Region One ESC is required to conduct a cost or price analysis for the procurement of goods and/or services not listed in the items tab, and within the scope of services offered with this bid solicitation.