The required services to be provided are part-time forensic psychology services for El Paso Psychiatric Center to evaluate referred forensic patients for competency to Stand Trial and to evaluate referred forensic patients regarding risk for future violence. At least one part-time forensic psychologists are required under this contract. Expected weekly hours required for the part-time forensic psychologist position not to exceed 10 hours per week. PCS 137 - SERVICES Version 1.70 Page 12 of 41 Revised 03/01/2024 Contractor will provide the following HHSC with Professional Psychological Services per this Contract. a) Contractor will evaluate referred forensic patients regarding their Competency to Stand Trial and will provide an accurate written report of their competency in the forms of a letter for the court and a report for Avatar CWS (Clinicians Work Station). b) Contractor will evaluate referred forensic patients regarding risk for future violence and factors that should be considered in the process of transitioning to treatment in a less restrictive setting and will provide an accurate written report for Avatar CWS. Contractor Shall use the Clinical Method to identify risk and protective factors. If a need is identified, Contractor may use the Empirical or Theoretical method with prior approval from HHS Designated Representative. Contractor shall use Unstructured or Structured Clinical Judgment to address violence, sex offender, and general recidivism risk assessment. Contractor may use whichever is preferred. Risk assessment tools may be used as applicable to each individual patient. These tools may include, but are not limited to: a) PCL-R b) Level of Service Inventory (LSI) c) Static-99 d) Violence Risk Appraisal Guide-Revised (VRAG-R) e) Historical, Clinical, Risk-20 (HCR-20) f) Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R) g) Sexual Violence Risk-20 (SVR-20) Up to twice annually, a sample of contractor competency evaluations will be selected for peer review. These documents must meet content and quality standards as set forth by State policies and procedures, The Joint Commission, and CMS.