Specifications include, but are not limited to: 4. The proposer shall be responsible for the maintenance of the existing Pro Shop fixtures (i.e. racks, display cases) supplied by the County. All fixtures will be inventoried and in acceptable condition when the proposer commences operation. Proposer will be allowed to purchase or bring in other display cases and clothing racks for use in the Pro Shop. During the term of the contract, all items shall be kept clean, fully operational and show no signs of visual or structural damage. 5. The proposer must be responsible for maintaining displays, merchandise and all entrances in a clean mannner to standards of the County. Responsibilitites include but not limited to: sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, cleaning windows, emptying trash cans, and cleaning spac directly outside of Pro Shop area. 6. The proposer shall maintain customer services as a top priority and shall respond to customer complaints, questions about products, and services. The proposer shall maintain a good working relationship with the Parks staff. 7. Provide uniforms and hygiene guidelines to all staff. Use of County and Department/Venue specific logo are encouraged, but subject to approval by the Director of Parks and Recreation.