All correspondence must be made through the Vendor Portal. Specifications include, but are not limited to: The intent of this procurement solicitation, Professional Consultant Services, is to establish a prequalified list of responsive and responsible Vendors, known as a company or firm whose purpose is to provide products and/or services that include, but not limited to, grant writing/evaluation, professional development, compliance, education/training, benefits, food service/school nutrition, management, and security. Item descriptions, specifications and/or technical requirements are provided for items and an opportunity for Vendors to provide a price list/catalog for other items not specified in the items tab. Region One ESC and its cooperative members are required to conduct a cost or price analysis for the procurement of goods and/or services not listed in the items tab, and within the scope of services offered with this bid solicitation. Cooperative members are responsible for the selection of goods and/or services available to meet their individual district needs, storage capabilities, and student/staff/community preferences. The ESC’s goal is to establish an approved list of qualified vendors in various fields of consulting disciplines to be used on an as-needed basis. Region One ESC reserves the right to suspend or delete consultants throughout the term of this contract.