Specifications include, but are not limited to: Our new site should: - Serve the needs of all users by letting them easily find what they are seeking, allowing them to access, and share current information.; - Represent or brand our community for visitors and showcase our community in a way that highlights why this is a great place to visit.; - Provide a pleasant and delightful experience to all users by making it easy for them to find what they want in a straightforward manner.; - Be strategic and nimble, and focus on making our content relevant, interactive and engaging. We know that things will change in the future, and we want our site to adapt and remain useful to visitors.; - Meets the unique needs of our visitors and is not a cookie-cutter or template solution. ; System Features: -Maintenance of simple and clear navigational mechanisms that encourage visitors to explore subpages. These subpages (tabs) may include, but are not limited to: where to Stay, Entertainment, Restaurants and Events Calendar.; -Events Calendar. Users should be able to access an interactive events calendar, and accessible for updates and changes by the tourism & marketing director.; -SEO optimization and keyword strategies will be honed in on and checked regularly to maintain relevant and effective outreach.