Specifications include, but are not limited to: Dorm rooms for a maximum of 80 students (no more than two to a room) Boys and girls on separate halls and/or floors Access to showers/bathrooms Dorm rooms for 5 female chaperones (one chaperone per room) Dorm rooms for 2 male chaperones (one male chaperone per room) 3 meals a day for students and ESC Region 12 staff through cafeteria/meal cards/cafeteria access 5 classrooms with projector, screen, whiteboard (reserved for each day) 1 science classroom including lab for experiments (reserved for each day) 3 separate areas for nightly group meetings on Monday-Thursday each week. Meeting times will be approximately 5pm-9pm. Access to a library for students to research Swimming pool for PE classes and activities Access to gym for PE classes and group activities Area for student activities for team building – Ropes course type activities Technology access for students and chaperones Technology access (Wi-Fi) for instructors The ability to provide our own High school instructors to teach students in areas of English, Math, Science, Foreign Language, and STEM Coordinator from proposal institution to work with ESC Region 12 Upward Bound Project Director in implementing two week plan – must be available for ongoing meetings with ESC Region 12 staff Coordinator from proposal institution to host evening activities (with a small team of college students) in promoting college culture for Upward Bound students (Monday – Thursday) of each week. Coordinator from proposal institution will provide 1 male college student and 1 female college student to watch the dorm rooms during the night. Parking spaces provided for one bus and nine ESC Region 12 staff members for each week.