Specifications include, but are not limited to: Vendor agrees to provide, install and maintain all vending machines (associated with said vendor) in locations mutually agreed by both parties and keep same in satisfactory working condition at all times. Vending machines will require in line GFT protection. Vending machines shall have bill changing devices for purchases. Vendor agrees to affix safety devices, when necessary, to preclude vending machine tip over. Vendor agrees to clean and/or sanitize vending machines with a suitable cleaning solution on a periodic basis and at other intervals, as needed. Delivery Drivers must check in at Bldg. 503 Switchboard prior to making delivery to any building and will be escorted by a Facility staff member at all times during delivery. Vendor’s time frame for machine service(s) from time of service call from Facility: 4 hours. Delivery requirements: Once a week – week days to be agreed upon by both parties. Vendor must provide a list of merchandise available for machines, including price. Among them a list of healthy snacks and beverages...