Specifications include, but are not limited to: 1. Alerts & Notifications - Display alerts prominently on website with notifications sent via email and/or text messaging to subscribers; 2. Azure Active Directory – SSO integration for intranet users and site operators; 3. Browser Based Administration - Update, delete and create content from any device with internet access; 4. Calendar Feature - Update/publish calendars for departments/categories with a main calendar to display all events, including a downloadable ical/ics file; 5. Content Scheduling - Set dates for content to automatically publish and expire; 6. Consultation Services – including a full content audit and Department-by-Department consultation on page design; 7. Council Dashboard – development of a separate, secure intranet website for Town Councilmembers to access Town-related information and documents; 8. Departmental Home Pages - Ability for departments to have dedicated pages within the site; 9. Document Center - Upload/download capability for files up to 1GB, back-end ability to search within published and unpublished documents; 10. E-Notifications - Electronic subscription, scheduled and on-demand notifications for email and SMS