The Contractor will work in conjunction with the Office of the Virgin Islands Inspector General to conduct (1) a Performance Audit of the Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority (WAPA) LPG Supply Contract and (2) an Inspection of a $2 million offshore payment in accordance with auditing standards contained in Government Auditing Standards (GAS), issued by the Comptroller General of the United States, and in accordance with the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency Quality Standards for Inspections and Evaluations (CIGIE). The contractor will perform the scope of work to develop findings and prepare reports in accordance with standards set forth by GAS and CIGIE. The Contractor will work closely with the Office of the Virgin Islands Inspector General’s Audit Team to plan and execute the Audit and Inspection in accordance with applicable GAS and CIGIE standards. The audit and Inspection will be adequately planned to detect fraud, waste, and abuse. This includes preparing detailed audit and inspection programs, reviewing records, conducting interviews, and performing all necessary procedures to ensure the findings and conclusions meet the audit and inspection objective(s).