Specifications include, but are not limited to: The respondent shall provide the following monthly landscaping services: 1. Cut the bushes around the building and inside the fence, trimming, mowing, and blowing. 2. Cut fallen trees and branches. 3. Blow clean surface areas and walkways. 4. Remove trash and debris and transport it to the landfill. 1. Remove all debris from the property; mow the lawn and trim trees and shrubs and any other plants that are in need of pruning; inspect plants and soil for insects, and the extermination of any insects that are discovered during normal maintenance activities. 2. Cut grass to the lowest height achievable – maximum height will be 2” – without killing the grass or exposing bare soil. 3. Clear fence lines of all vegetation. 4. Mow grass and vegetation for a distance of no less than 15 feet around the outside of the perimeter fence. In areas where the maintained property abuts a roadway, the mowing is to include the area from the perimeter fence to the actual roadway. Services shall also include fenced and non-fenced parking areas, to include internal and external fences for separated areas. 5. Trim and edge on or between concrete steps, sidewalks, any horizontal concrete or asphalt paving. 6. Maintain planted flower beds in improved areas to include the removal of invasive plants and weeds in the planted areas as well as replacing mulch. 7. Maintain planted fruit trees to include removal of fallen fruit and cleaning of invasive plants from the tree base area, as well as replacement of mulch. 8. Remove fallen palm fronds and other branches. 9. Prune shrubs and hedges. 10. Cut/trim hedges and shrubs to ensure that walkways remain free and clear. 11. Remove all debris, cuttings and vegetation from the property upon completion of each service.