1 Mobilization and General Conditions 1 L.S. Modular Exterior 2 Remove and Replace Missing/Damaged Rear Fascia Board: Remove Existing Fascia Board; Install New Pressure-Treated Fascia Board To Match Existing Adjacent Fascia Boards. 72 L.F. 3 Remove and Replace Exterior Base Siding Plywood: Remove Existing Exterior Base Plywood; Install New Siding Plywood, Pressure-Treated Wood, T1-11 Board; Front: 156 S.F., Left Side: 8 S.F., Right Side: 19 S.F. 183 S.F. 4 Repair/Replace North ADA Ramp Handrail: Install Missing Wood Handrail and Loose Wood Rail; Prep and Paint To Match Existing. 1 L.S. 5 Restore South ADA Ramp: Repair/Replace Damage Wood Planks on Landing, Prep and Paint To Match Existing, 48 S.F.; Prep and Paint (Acrylic Paint for Decks) Sloped Ramp Area, 96 S.F.; Remove and Replace Damage Wood Handrail, Prep and Paint, 30 L.F. 1 L.S. 6 Install Gutters: Install PVC Half-Round Gutters, Components and Hardware Included. 144 L.F. 7 Install Downspouts: Install PVC Downspouts, Elbows, Components and Hardware Included. 35 L.F. 8 Install Soffit Boards: Pressure-Treated Wood, T1-11 Board; White Paint. 288 S.F. 9 Pressure Wash, Prep and Paint Modular Exterior: Prep and Paint; Match Existing Exterior Colors. 2240 S.F. 10 Remove and Replace Front Entry Door (North Side): Remove Existing Door and Door Jamb; Install New Door To Match Existing; Install New Door Jamb, Painted to Match Existing Color. 1 EA.