Specifications include, but are not limited to: A. The ESP will be expected to act as an independent contractor in the delivery of educational support services. B. Maria Montessori Academy is seeking comprehensive educational support services, also known as charter school management services, to begin in July 2023 with the intent of utilizing the successful offeror’s expertise in the effective planning, implementation, and delivery of its educational program. The successful offeror must have expertise and experience in applicable state and federal legislation regarding the operation of Utah charter schools. Each offeror must provide a response in their proposal, in narrative format, to each of the following management components: 1. ESP Experience, Qualifications, and Track Record. Provide a narrative demonstrating a proven and successful track record for providing education support services to public charter schools. Preference may be given to offerors who demonstrate a successful operating history with Utah-based charter schools. Evidence of success must: a. Include a list of all client charter schools, indicate the duration of your contractual relationship with each client school, and provide contact information for the charter school’s current board president and principal. Note: Maria Montessori Academy reserves the right to contact the individuals listed herein. If you do not desire Maria Montessori Academy to contact any individual, please indicate it and provide an explanation.