Specifications include, but are not limited to: Design a turf treatment program that includes spring and fall broadleaf, herbicide and fertilizer treatment of 1,000,000 sq feet of athletic fields. The program should include a June treatment application of fertilizer. The program must include: Pre-emergent crabgrass and broadleaf weed control with herbicide grub control. Herbicide and broadleaf control MUST BE a liquid. Spot treatment is not allowed. Fertilizer application to be granular except for the spring treatment which can be liquid. 2 1,000,000 sq feet of deep tine aeration of athletic playing fields. 3 Overseeding of 500,000 sq feet of athletic fields. 4 Subcontracting of specialty sports field services – Please provide an hourly rate to be charged for field renovation work. Example of such work includes installation of infield mixes, batters box and pitching mound restoration, laser grading of skinned surfaces, sod cutting and installation. Town would provide materials. Deliverable estimate may require two rates. 1- rate without vendor equipment and 1-rate for use of town equipment and town support staff while completing a project.