Specifications include, but are not limited to: 1. Removal of existing stone wall, approximately 400 feet to the north of the Old Cemetery tomb on Kurn Hattin Road, approximately 60 feet to the south and approximately 80 feet from the south of the entrance. 2. All products used in this job and provided by the Bidder must be new standard production models. 3. Material must be of the best commercial quality for the intended project use. 4. Engineering and design of the completed stone wall shall be such that the stress imposed through normal wear and tear shall not cause rupture, deformation or undue wear. 5. Bidders must include in their bid package full product warranty information and the most recent printed product specifications and literature for the pre-cast materials to be used on this project. 6. Time is of the essence. Bidders must indicate their date for completion of the project as part of their bid.